Third Party Logistics Software

Transportation Logistics Resolutions for 3PL (Third Party Logistics) 2024

Sellers in the transportation industry have been rapidly increasing over the years. More and more third-party logistics companies are therefore rising to prominence with the aim of providing efficient and reliable services to its customers. Being a digital era, technology has taken over the industry in a remarkable way. It is in no doubt the future of the third party logistics in the transport productivity.

About Exspeedite 3PL Software System

Exspeedite business is one of the many organizations who has intensively invested in high technology to ensure the fulfillment and satisfaction of our customers. It is a trucking business company with programs that are occasionally modernized to fit current trends in technology. Cases of sluggish and stuck products have therefore been easy to handle for all Exspeedite clients.

We understand the importance of fast and personalized services and therefore strive to ensure and maintain it. Moreover, with our modern databases, we have been able to provide tremendous opportunities for every single client. We are therefore very committed to all our clients in regard to all that entails third-party logistics and management in optimizing fleets, freight breakages, problem-solving and most importantly streamlined fleet dispatches management. We believe west and out from the many companies available for these services. In addition, we are very open to new ideas that will help the company meet a series of different needs in the trucking industry.

Recently, we updated our transport management software to the latest version, 5.0. It is a new realize aimed to provide and serve all our Clients in the most efficient and fast way possible. With our new Exspeedite trucking software package, smooth coming up and running is a guarantee to your company. It is aimed to provide a better environment for your company to grow and achieve its goals and desires with much ease.

The new features

One of the major problems in transport logistics is the management of taxes as per the set regulations. Exspeedite trucking software has ensured that these cases are taken care of in the most efficient way possible. The trucking software now has all the necessary tools needed to get the job done in the fastest way possible. It is capable of handling all account payable and receivable, EDI and all mobile communications, repair and maintenance.

This means the troubling times as a result of IFTA are now made simpler and faster thanks to our up to date trucking software. In addition, Exspeedite ensures that your company’s growth is not interfered with at any time. You will be able to take care of all taxes issues without incurring other costly expenses. It is our pleasure to see companies develop at ease.

Also Read: How To Manage Logistics Business?

The adjunct employee/project manager for your company is also another bold feature we have included in the trucking software. Our software can now facilitate all logistics required for any new adjunct. This means little to less paper work for our clients. As a result, we expect more time saving and higher efficiency from using our trucking software. We have taken time to ensure these tasks can now be handled effectively as they are required to. With the incorporated computer applications, our trucking software is also designed to facilitate all planning, conduct work, and communication.

This in return confirms very good and productive communications with all our clients. We believe our reputation precedes us when it comes to keeping projects on time, on the course and most importantly within budget. Your company is therefore kept safe of the many tragedies and disasters that often arise when these cases are not properly addressed.


In conclusion, Exspeedite is common for availing excellent products that would promote laziness! This is the case of managing your company will be a very big advantage. In fact, affiliating with us is considered as the best decision your company will ever make.This will also ensure any small-sized businesses can be simplified to large sized businesses which are what many are aiming for.

We are confident we have the required knowledge and tools needed to train our staff to perform the necessary hardware setup to ensure our trucking software is as efficient and accessible to your company.

You will also find our IT support very active and ready to help if need be.